Overview of Configuration Steps

Configure the Internet connections (head office)

Field Menu Value
Connector Type Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New Internal ADSL Modem
Description Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. ADSL-1
Type Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next User-defined via PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
User Name Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. ADSL-Username
Password Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. test12345
Always Active Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next Enabled
Connector Type Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New External ADSL modem
Description Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. ADSL-2
Physical Ethernet Port Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next ETH5
User Name Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. ADSL-Username2
Password Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. test12345
Always Active Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next Enabled

Create a load balancing group

Field Menu Value
Group Description Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->New e. g. Internet Access .
Distribution Policy Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->New Session-Round-Robin
Interface Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add WAN_ADSL-1
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %
Interface Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add WAN_ADSL-2
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing-> Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %

Set up the VPN IPSec connections

Field Menu Value
Administrative Status VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Up
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Branch1_Peer-1
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New E-mail address and e. g. Branch1_Peer-1@bintec-elmeg.com
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New IKEv1
Preshared Key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test12345
IPv4 Address Assignment VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Static
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New / and /
Phase-1 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings None (use Default Profile)
Phase-2 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings None (use Default Profile)
Administrative Status VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Active
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Branch1_Peer-2
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New E-mail address and e. g. Branch1_Peer-2@bintec-elmeg.com
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New IKEv1
Preshared Key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test12345
IPv4 Address Assignment VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Static
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New / and /
Phase-1 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings None (use Default Profile)
Phase-2 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings None (use Default Profile)
Local ID Type VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> <Multi-Proposal> E-mail Address
Local ID Value VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> <Multi-Proposal> e. g. central@bintec-elmeg.com

Set up monitoring tasks

Field Menu Value
Monitored IP Address Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g.
Source IP Address Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Specific / e. g.
Interval Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3 seconds
Successful Trials Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Unsuccessful Trials Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Action to be performed Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Monitor
Monitored IP Address Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g.
Source IP Address Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Specific / e. g.
Interval Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3 seconds
Successful Trials Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Unsuccessful Trials Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Action to be performed Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Monitor

Configure the IP load distribution

Field Menu Value
Group Description Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->New e. g. VPN_Branch1
Distribution Policy Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->New Session-Round-Robin
Interface Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->Add IPSEC_BRANCH1_PEER-1
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %
Route Selector Network -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancing Groups -> Add -> Advanced Settings open
Tracing IP Address Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add e. g.
Interface Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add IPSEC_BRANCH1_PEER-2
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %
Route Selector Network -> Load Balancing -> Load Balancing Groups -> Add -> Advanced Settings open
Tracing IP Address Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Group s ->Add e. g.

Configure the Internet connections (branch)

Field Menu Value
Connector Type Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New Internal ADSL Modem
Description Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. PPPoE1
Type Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next User-defined via PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
User Name Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. ADSL-Username
Password Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next e. g. test12345
Always Active Assistants -> Internet-> Internet Connections -> New -> Next Enabled

Set up the VPN IPSec connections

Field Menu Value
Description VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. Branch1_Peer1
Proposals VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. AES / SHA1
DH Group VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. 2(1024 Bit)
Lifetime VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. 14400
Authentication Method VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New Preshared keys
Mode VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New Aggressive
Local ID Type VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New E-mail Address
Local ID Value VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. Branch1_Peer1@bintec-elmeg.com
Description VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. Branch1_Peer2
Proposals VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. AES / SHA1
DH Group VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. 2(1024 Bit)
Lifetime VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. 14400
Authentication Method VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New Preshared keys
Mode VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New Aggressive
Local ID Type VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New E-mail Address
Local ID Value VPN -> IPSec -> Phase-1 Profiles -> New e. g. Branch1_Peer2@bintec-elmeg.com

Add IPSec connections

Field Menu Value
Administrative Status VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Up
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Headoffice_Peer-1
Peer Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New E-mail address and e. g. central@bintec-elmeg.com
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New IKEv1
Preshared Key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test12345
IPv4 Address Assignment VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Static
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New / and /
Phase-1 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings Branch1_Peer1
Phase-2 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings * Multi-Proposal
Number of Admitted Connections VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings One User
Start Mode VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings Always up
Administrative Status VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Active
Description VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. Headoffice_Peer-2
Peer Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g.
Peer ID VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New E-mail address and e. g. central@bintec-elmeg.com
IKE (Internet Key Exchange) VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New IKEv1
Preshared Key VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New e. g. test12345
IPv4 Address Assignment VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New Static
Local IP Address VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New
Route Entries VPN-> IPSec-> IPSec Peers-> New / and /
Phase-1 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings Branch1_Peer2
Phase-2 Profile VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings * Multi-Proposal
Number of Admitted Connections VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings One User
Start Mode VPN -> IPSec -> IPSec Peers -> New -> Advanced Settings Always up

Set up monitoring tasks

Field Menu Value
Monitored IP Address Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g.
Source IP Address Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Specific / e. g.
Interval Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3 seconds
Successful Trials Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Unsuccessful Trials Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Action to be performed Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Monitor
Monitored IP Address Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g.
Source IP Address Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Specific / e. g.
Interval Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3 seconds
Successful Trials Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Unsuccessful Trials Local Services-> Surveillance ->Hosts-> New e. g. 3
Action to be performed Local Services ->Surveillance ->Hosts-> New Monitor

Configure the IP load distribution

Field Menu Value
Group Description Network ->Load Balancing-> Load Balancing Groups ->New e. g. IPSec_headoffice
Distribution Policy Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->New Session-Round-Robin
Interface Network ->Load Balancing-> Load Balancing Groups ->Add IPSEC_HEADOFFICE_PEER-1
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %
Route Selector Network -> Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups -> Add -> Advanced Settings open
Tracing IP Address Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->Add e. g.
Interface Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups ->Add IPSEC_HEADOFFICE_PEER-2
Distribution Ratio Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add 50 %
Route Selector Network -> Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups -> Add -> Advanced Settings open
Tracing IP Address Network ->Load Balancing ->Load Balancing Groups-> Add e. g.