
This workshop shows how to configure a VPN IPSec network in association with IP load distribution. Two independent Internet connections are used at the same time at the head office location, to improve reliability and achieve greater bandwidth. The gateway at the branch office location is connected to the Internet with an ADSL line and always initiates two VPN IPSec tunnels to the head office gateway in order that both of the ADSL lines can be used simultaneously. The head office gateway must be accessible from the Internet via two fixed WAN IP addresses or by using Dyndns (in the case of dynamic WAN IP addresses). Configuring the load distribution prevents routing conflicts in the Internet connections and the two VPN IPSec connections. The tunnel connections are mutually and periodically monitored by the two VPN gateways. If one tunnel falls over, all the data traffic is automatically diverted to the VPN tunnel which is still working.

The GUI™ (Graphical User Interface) is used for configuring.

Example scenario


The following are required for the configuration:

Head office location

Branch office location