
You can change the start view of the be.IP plus™.

  1. Initiate a SSH connection to your device, e.g. with Putty.

    You are now in the SNMP shell of your gateway. The login prompt will appear.

  2. Log in to your device as admin.

  3. Enter biboextadminitialguiview? to display the different view options.

    (readwrite) full_access (1), user (2), initial_operation (3) will appear.

  4. If you want to change the start view to full access, enter biboextadminitialguiview=full_access.

  5. If you want to change the start view to user, enter biboextadminitialguiview=user.

  6. If you want to change the start view to quick start, enter biboextadminitialguiview=initial_operation.

  7. If you want to keep the chosen setting after a reboot, save the current configuration.