Overview of Configuration Steps

Setting up the dialling profile via the Assistant

Field Menu Value
VPN Scenario Assistants->VPN->VPN Connections->New IPSec - Individual Client Dial-In
Description Assistants->VPN->VPN Connections->Next e.g. iPhone dial-in
Remote IPSec ID Assistants->VPN->VPN Connections->Next e.g. iPhone_peer
Preshared Key Assistants->VPN->VPN Connections->Next e.g. SuperSecret
Select IP Address Pool Assistants->VPN->VPN Connections->Next Internal DHCP address range

Creating / modifying the iPhone-specific parameters

Field Menu Value
Description VPN->IPSec->XAUTH Profiles->New e.g. XAUTH pool
Role VPN->IPSec->XAUTH Profiles->New Server
Mode VPN->IPSec->XAUTH Profiles->New Local
Users VPN->IPSec->XAUTH Profiles->New

Name e.g. iPhone_xauth

Password e.g. SuperSecret

Changing the Phase-2 profile

Field Menu Value
Proposals VPN->IPSec->Phase-1 Profiles->New Authentication SHA1
Use PFS Group VPN->IPSec->Phase-1 Profiles->New Disabled

Changing the Phase-1 profile

Field Menu Value
Proposals VPN->IPSec->Phase-1 Profiles->New Authentication SHA1
DH Group VPN->IPSec->Phase-1 Profiles->New 2 (1024 Bit)
Alive Check VPN->IPSec->Phase-1 Profiles->New->Advanced Settings Dead Peer Detection (Idle)

Modifying IPSec Peers

Field Menu Value
Peer ID VPN->IPSec->IPSec Peers->New Key ID
IPv4 Proxy ARP VPN->IPSec->IPSec Peers->New->Advanced Settings Up only

Configuring the IP pool

Field Menu Value
DNS Server Local Services->DHCP Server->IP Pool Configuration->New Primary e.g.