
Connection of  bintec 4Ge-LE™

In principle the bintec 4Ge-LE™ runs as a DHCP Client and receives from the gateway the names and the PIN for the SIM card via the option 43 (Vendor specific). The device uses this data to establish a LTE (UMTS/GPRS) connection and provides the received IP address, the gateway and the DNS server as DHCP server on an Ethernet connection of be.IP™ tagged with VLAN 463. This means that the be.IP™ is on the actual interface DHCP server on a virtual port with VLAN 463 against DHCP client!

In the example, en1-4 (the blue DMZ/WAN Port) is used, although this can be configured in the same way on any separate port.

The interfaces are now adjusted/created in the first step.

  1. Enter in the menu LAN->IP Configuration->Interfaces-> en1-4 .

    LAN->IP Configuration->Interfaces-> en1-4

    Proceed as follows:

  2. Leave the Interface Mode settings as Untagged . The interface is not assigned for a specific purpose.

  3. Leave the Security Policy settings as Trusted . All IP packets are allowed through except for those which are explicitly prohibited.

  4. Enter the IP Address / Netmask of the virtual interface, here e.g. und .

  5. Click OK to confirm your entries.

    In the next step, create a new interface.

    1. Go to LAN->IP Configuration->Interfaces->New.

      LAN->IP Configuration->Interfaces->New

      Proceed as follows:

    2. Under Based on Ethernet Interface select the virtual interface en1-4 .

    3. Set the Interface Mode to Tagged (VLAN) .

    4. Assign a VLAN to the interface. To do this, enter the VLAN ID 463 .

    5. For Security Policy, select Untrusted .

    6. Select the Address Mode DHCP . An IP address is assigned to the interface dynamically via DHCP.

    7. Under DHCP Metric select the priority of the route, which is 5 in our example.

    8. Click OK to confirm your entries.

The netmask for en1-4 was selected with /30 so that only one IP range of 2 addresses is needed:

- be.IP™ (

- bintec 4Ge-LE™ (

Network address is therefore, broadcast address is

The complete configuration now looks like this:

LAN->IP Configuration->Interfaces

Now for the virtual interface en1-4-1 must be enabled as IPv4 WAN interface NAT.

  1. Go to Network->NAT->NAT Interfaces.

    Network->NAT->NAT Interfaces

  2. For the Interface LAN_EN1-4-1 enable the options NAT active and Silent Deny .

  3. Click OK to confirm your entries.

The last configuration step is setting up the DHCP server with the corresponding DHCP option 43 on the interface en1-4 . For security reasons, a static connection of the IP address to the MAC address of the bintec 4Ge-LE™ is carried out so that only this received an IP address (and only this is sent the option 43 with the PIN included).

To activate the device as DHCP server, the IP address pool must first be defined.

  1. To do so, go to the Local Services->DHCP Server->IP Pool Configuration->New menu.

    Local Services->DHCP Server->IP Pool Configuration->New

  2. Under IP Pool Name enter any description, here e.g. bintec 4Ge-LE .

  3. Under IP Address Range enter the IP address of the IP address pool, here - .

  4. Confirm with OK.

Under Local Services->DHCP Server->DHCP Configuration->New you can now set up the DHCP pool.

Local Services->DHCP Server->DHCP Configuration->New

Proceed as follows:

  1. Select Interface en1-4 .

  2. Under IP Pool Name select the configured IP pool name bintec 4Ge-LE .

  3. Click Advanced Settings.

  4. In the Vendor Specific Information (DHCP Option 43) field, click on the Add Vendor String button.

    Local Services->DHCP Server->DHCP Configuration->New->Advanced Settings

  5. Under Select vendor select -bintec- .

  6. Enter the APN (Access Point Name) of the provider of your SIM card, here e.g. internet.telekom .

  7. Enter the PIN of the SIM card, e.g. 1234 .

  8. Click Apply.

The last step involves establishing the static connection of the IP Address to the MAC address.

  1. Go to the Local Services->DHCP Server->IP/MAC Binding menu.

    Local Services->DHCP Server->IP/MAC Binding

  2. Enable the Static Binding option.

  3. Confirm with OK.

With this configuration only the bintec 4Ge-LE™ on the interface en1-4 receives an IP address with the SIM card PIN included in option 43.

This concludes the configuration. Store the configuration using Save configuration above the menu bar