Feature description "system phone configuration via S0" ------------------------------------------------------- This feature enables administrators to - remotely configure system phones' MSNs and ringing parameters - check configuration settings in system phone and XCentric - query MSN settings of system phones - synchronise MSN settings between XCentric and system phones To be recognised as system phone it automatically registers at XCentric right after bein attached to an S0 port. Thereby some informations are exchanged between XCentric and system phone, that are partially shown in setup tool menues described below. System phone configuration is performed through two PABX menues: "Dial Plan" and "Terminals". All system phone specific entries in "Advanced Settings >" sub-menu of "[PABX][DIAL PLAN][EDIT]" menu are only visible for extensions assigned to terminals of type "system phone". This implies the configuration order to firstly set terminal type (and maybe configure other system phone specific settings that time) and secondly adapt system phone settings specific to each extension/MSN. Configurations related to the terminal (phone) as a whole are done in "Terminals" menu where a new sub-menu "System Terminal Settings >" was introduced for that purpose. First take a look at extension/MSN specific settings. XCentric Setup Tool BinTec Communications AG [PABX][EDIT]: Configure Dial Plan hwxcm _______________________________________________________________________________ Extension 45 Type voice Destination physical Physical Port Slot 4 Unit 3 Presentation Number Ringing Seq. 1 Terminal Name 4:3 - Phone 1 Profile Select User Harry New User > Select Group Group 1 New Group > Advanced Settings > SAVE CANCEL _______________________________________________________________________________ Enter string, max length = 15 chars Configuration of extension additionally contains a parameter for ringing melody ("Ringing Seq.") - already well-known from extension for analog terminals. The only difference is that no distinction is made here among source of incoming call (external or internal). XCentric Setup Tool BinTec Communications AG [PABX][EDIT][ADVANCED]: Miscellaneous hwxcm _______________________________________________________________________________ Extension 45 User Name Harry Terminal Name 4:3 - Phone 1 CF: Mode none SysTel: MSN Slot 1 MSN Ring Volume 1 MSN Text Harry SAVE CANCEL _______________________________________________________________________________ The sub-menu "Advanced Settings >" under "[PABX][DIAL PLAN][EDIT]" was extended to hold MSN related system phone settings: - MSN Slot (1 (0) through 10) System phone has 10 configuration "slots" holding all MSNs the phone is expected to respond to. MSN Slot identifies the slot this very extension is (to be) found on system phone. The default value of 0 denotes that an extension (XCentric) is not yet associated with an MSN slot in system phone. - MSN Ring Volume (1 through 6) Volume of ringing upon call to this MSN - MSN Text (string of length 1 ... 5) Short info text system phone shows to indicate used/called MSN on outgoing/ incoming calls. Next you'll find explanations about configuration possibilities under Terminals menu. XCentric Setup Tool BinTec Communications AG [PABX][TERMINAL][EDIT]: Configure PABX Terminals hwxcm _______________________________________________________________________________ Destination physical Module Slot 4 Unit 2 Terminal Type system phone Profile Systel Serial No 001006845 Terminal Name 4:2 - Phone 1 Primary User View Assigned Extensions (1) > System Terminal Settings > SAVE CANCEL _______________________________________________________________________________ Use to select The new sub-menu behind "System Terminal Settings >" is reachable only if "Terminal Type" equals "system phone". Entering this sub-menu the following screen is presented: XCentric Setup Tool BinTec Communications AG [PABX][TERMINAL][EDIT]: Configure System Terminal hwxcm _______________________________________________________________________________ Terminal Name 4:2 - Phone 1 Port [Slot:Unit] [4:2] Serial No. 001006845 What to do show info / configure Automove disable Autoconf off Current Status Information Currently: Slot 4 Unit 2 TEI 0x40 = Firmware Version: V1.16 | Release Date: 05/22/01 08:07:45 | OEM String: BinTec CS300 V1.16 | Country: 01 v SAVE CANCEL _______________________________________________________________________________ Use to select The first three lines (below the status lines on very top) inform about Terminal that is to be configured. Line "What to do" lets you choose among displaying current status informations and some (Xcentric related) configurations (screenshot above) or configuration transfer between system phone and XCentric (see below). Automove setting ("enable", "disable") allows automatic configuration change in XCentric when system phone is unplugged from one S0 port and reattached to another one if set to "enable". During registration of system phone XCentric modifies then terminal settings (actually only port) accordingly without making these changes permanent, whereas automove setting "disable" (like in screenshot) would result in an unusable terminal - neither outgoing nor incoming connections would be possible. The switch Autoconf ("off", "on registration") controls whether XCentric shall automatically synchronise MSN settings for that terminal. Value "off" inhibits such an automatic configuration, "on registration" performs automatic configuration right when system phone registeres at XCentric. Synchronisation of MSN settings means to configure the MSNs themselves and also according ringing type and volume. Under "Current Status Information" all available informations of system phone are displayed; that includes, where it is/was attached to XCentric now/last time, if it's successfully registered (TEI other than 0x7f) and informations about system phone firmware. Switching "What to do" to "transfer configuration" shows the following: XCentric Setup Tool BinTec Communications AG [PABX][TERMINAL][EDIT]: Configure System Terminal hwxcm _______________________________________________________________________________ Terminal Name 4:2 - Phone 1 Port [Slot:Unit] [4:2] Serial No. 001006845 What to do transfer configuration Configuration Action done Last Config Action unknown PABX releated Syslog Messages INF SYSTEL [4:3] TERM "4:3 - Phone 1" set MSN slot 1 to "45" ^ INF SYSTEL [4:3] TERM "4:3 - Phone 1" set MSN slot 2 to "47" | INF SYSTEL [4:3] TERM "4:3 - Phone 1" set MSN slot 3 to "5030" | INF SYSTEL [4:3] TERM "4:3 - Phone 1" set MSN slot 4 to "5032" | WAR SYSTEL - WARNING: TERM [4:2] "4:2 - Phone 1" - MSN "422" in system p= PERFORM CONFIG ACTION CANCEL _______________________________________________________________________________ Use to select Upon enter the menu "Configuration Action" shows status of most recently performed configuration action: either "error" or "done". You can then choose the action you like to perform: "check", "set", "get" or "get and create". "Last Config Action" tells you the type of most recently done configuration. The table "PABX related Syslog Messages" contains any syslog messages concerning PABX and is updated periodically. Selecting one entry and hitting return will open another sub-menu showing the full syslog message entry completely with generation time stamp. Button "PERFORM CONFIG ACTION" is only visible if usable, confirming it via return key will initiate chosen Configuration Action. Any thereby caused syslog messages by PABX will again be shown in Syslog messages box. Upon termination of action "Configuration Action" will be updated to the return status ("error" or "done") and "Last Config Action" changes to indicate performed operation. The different configuration actions mean: - "done", "error" These are actually return values for actions. - "check" Current system phone MSN configuration is queried and compared to XCentric's configuration. Any differences are reported by syslog messages. Action "check" is also always done prior to any other action. - "get" Action "get" retrieves system phone's MSN settings and adapts "MSN Slot", "Ringing Seq." (extension edit menu) and "MSN Ring Volume" of existing (in XCentric) extensions. - "get and create" By this action you are able to fully configure system phones MSNs and carry this configuration over to XCentric. For any MSN in system phone an extension with apropriate settings is created in XCentric (if no conflicts happen that again would be reported via syslog message) for that terminal. - "set" All extensions in XCentric (of that terminal) become configured MSNs in system phone, any existing MSN configuration in system phone is overwritten.