BinTec Communications AG Nuremberg, 2001/10/25 This document contains history of Release 5.3.1. Main differences in 5.3.x releases compared to 5.1.4, respectively 5.2.1/5.2.3 (or beta versions thereof) are located in updates to the router subsystem. Additional - mostly PABX releated - changes and/or fixes are itemised in detail below. Release 5.3.1 beta 5 2001/10/25: PABX related modifications/bug fixes: o new system phone functionality introduced in 5.3.1 beta 4 contained a heavy bug causing system to crash - fixed Release 5.3.1 beta 4 2001/08/31: PABX related modifications/bug fixes: o new feature "configuration via S0" for system phones (see description in readme-system-phone-configuration.txt) o new feature "project numbers" allowing for association of (external outgoing) calls to project numbers; see below for description of this feature o some speed dial problems fixed Miscellaneous Modifications and Fixes: o system phone settings (systelTermAutoMove, systelTermAutoConf) now configurable by setup tool Release 5.3.1 beta 3 2001/06/08 (not officially released): PABX related modifications/bug fixes: o new feature "speed dial" via new MIB table pabxSpeedDialTable (see below for a description) o fixed bug in PABX tracing facility via "trace -P ..." that could cause panics o bug fixes for TAPI control of system phones o added syslog messages in case inconsistencies are detected during system phone registration Miscellaneous Modifications and Fixes: o massive performance improvements concerning connections from analog ports to CAPI applications (increased from 2-3 up to 8 simultaneous connections); this is needed e.g. to check a CAPI based voice mail box form an internal analog phone o X.31 in D channel for CAPI now implemented o fixed CAPI bug "out of call references" in conjunction with supplementary services o TAPI bug fixed that could confuse TSP on PC o called party number in accounting string is no longer garbled in case additional digits are dialled during an active connection o panics in ISDN layer 2 fixed Release 5.3.1 beta 2 2001/04/10: based on Release 5.2.3 (beta 1) Release 5.3.1 beta 1 2001/03/20: based on Release 5.2.1 (beta 4) Known issues: o ISDN three party conference is not available if one or more CAPI connections were participating o ISDN feature ECT (explicit call transfer) doesn't work properly when transferring to a CAPI connection (transfer itself will succeed, but CAPI connection won't receive any B-channel data afterwards) ================================================================================ Feature description "speed dial" -------------------------------- A new MIB table pabxSpeedDialTable was introduced to allow for arbitrary quick access of lengthy phone numbers via abbreviation numbers, what is usually called speed dialling. The table consists of the three fields "ShortCut", "Number" and "Ctrl". "ShortCut" contains the abbreviation number for the actual phone number stored in field "Number". The field "Ctrl" on one hand indicates whether an entry is currently valid (value "on") or invalid (value "off") and on the other hand allows to delete an existing entry via SNMP shell (value "delete"). It is possible to store complete numbers in Number field just as storing only prefixes so that additional digits can be supplied by manual dialling afterwards. Field "Ctrl" provides the possibility to temporarily disable table entries by setting it to "off" without actually removing them from the table. Currently "speed dialling" has some shortcomings: - it is not configurable by setup tool (though shown by Dial Plan) - speed dial numbers cannot be used recursively (most likely irrelevant) - auto dialout numbers - if used - are not taken into account The last item means that in a mixed configuration where part of users has an autodialout number configured and the other part has not, one speed dial entry (for an external number) will only work for one part depending on how Number is set (i.e. with or without a trunk prefix in the beginning). Examples: 1) Shortcut="*09110" Number="091196730" Ctrl="on" Assuming an autodialout number is configured the above example will dial BinTec's operator from anywhere within germany by just dialling "*09110". 2) Shortcut="*0911" Number="09119673" Ctrl="on" Again assuming autodialout being configured in this example you call BinTec's subscriber number by dialling "*0911". You have to supply digits for desired extension manually afterward, e.g. "0" for operator. Without active autodialout and a valid trunk prefix of "0" "Number" in above examples would have to be "0091196730" for example 1) and "009119673" for example 2). BTW: It doesn't make sense to configure both of the above examples while shortcut "*0911" will always match and, hence, "*09110" will never be processed by XCentric, independently from what digits are dialled beyond the shortcut (sure enough acting identically for a dialstring of "*09110"). CAUTION: You have to bear in mind already used commands (for analog ports and globally ones like call pickup) when configuring shortcuts beginning with '*'. Global commands might be disabled due to shadowing (like "*09110" in case both examples ablove were configured at a time), others might require additional digits; shortcut "*030" for example would have to be used by dialling "**030" from an analog port as an initial '*' is not really dialled but indicates a command to follow and must therefore be followed by another '*' to cause one '*' to be dialled. Feature description "project numbers" ------------------------------------- A new command "*92*#" was introduced to allow for association of outgoing external calls to projects via BinTec's accounting tool. Subsystem PABX then substitutes the project number as well as a "category" (business or private call) for variable "%P" in accounting template if present, when generating accounting strings, which are then evaluated by accounting tool. A non-empty will lead to category "business call" and the dialled projectnumber appended (accounting string contains "B" for "%P" in template), whereas leaving empty causes category "private call" to be recorded (accounting string contains solely "P" for "%P"). Maximum project number length is currently 15. Accounting template can be configured in setup tool under PABX/Static Settings/ Accounting Template.