BinTec Communications AG Nuremberg, 2001/02/21 This document contains a list of changes and bug fixes integrated into XCentric Release 5.2.1 beta 2 and making up Release XCentric Release 5.2.1 beta 3 from 2001/02/21. PABX releated Bug fixes: o fix for panic that could occur upon invocation of Call Pickup feature o ISDN feature ECT (explicit call transfer) via CAPI should now work o timer for ISDN feature CFNR (call forwarding on no reply) can now be set via TAPI application (e.g. BinTec Power Phone) o multiple entries in systelTerminalTable for same serial number are now avoided; this happend when unplugging and reattaching a system phone to an S0 bus (possibly already existing entries have to be deleted manually!) PABX Changes: o dialling of an unallowed number (by permission) now causes a syslog message like PABX - [4:3] EXT "45" has no permission to dial out or PABX - [4:3] EXT "45" - no dial permission for number "017" where [x:y] denotes slot (x) and unit (y) where it happened and EXT the calling party number of caller that exceeded her permissions Setup-Tool Fixes: o PABX/Dial Permissions contents in row "Permission" are now correctly displayed (only display of these values was incorrect, the values were the ones like configured under PABX/Edit/Configure Dial Permissions) o SLOT X UNIT Y POTS/Configure Dialplan now again only apropriate entries are displayed here Miscellaneous Modifications and Fixes: o CAPI special user CAPIadmin is now able to modify call forwarding settings of arbitrary users (needed by BinTec Voice Mail Server to remotely set call forwarding) o isdn accounting string is now set apropriately for use of BinTec accounting tool that is to be released soon (this is only true in case no boot configuration exists; must be set manually in setup tool under PABX/Static Settings/PABX Accounting Template otherwise -> Template Type: pabx) o XCentric as DHCP server: after a reboot, XCentric does no longer know about the IP addresses that were assigned by it prior to reboot and, hence refused to reassign it to same PC when he tried renewing the address after half of lease time; now XCentric remembers (MAC) address of requesting system and - when checking whether address is already in use - allows reassigning it to same host afterwards instead of blocking it o a memory leak in DNS cache caused infrequently panics Known issues: o ISDN three party conference is not available if one or more CAPI connections were participating o ISDN feature ECT (explicit call transfer) doesn't work properly when transferring to a CAPI connection (transfer itself will succeed, but CAPI connection won't receive any B-channel data afterwards)