BinTec Communications AG Nuremburg, 2000/07/14 This document describes history of patch releases based on XCentric release 5.1.4 in reverse chronologic order. For every patch release a list of fixed bugs is attached. 5.1.4 patch 4 from 2000/07/14: ------------------------------ PABX related bug fixes o cascaded XCentrics: upon dial out from sub-XCentric to public switch (digit by digit) dial tone was not provided to caller o an incoming call with complete called party number to a busy or not attached terminal lead to wrong release cause "recovery on timer expiry" opposed to "user busy" or "no user responding", respectively; as a result a caller from a mobile phone heard the wrong message "the party you are calling is currently not available" o bug fixes on ambiguities between prefix and extension; assuming prefix "0" and extension "0" exist and a dial out attempt via that prefix: - on no B channel available XCentric called extension "0" instead of releasing call - panic in case B channel available, but caller not allowed to dial current number NB: the above two errors are only found in 5.1.4 patch 1 and 5.1.4 patch 3 o changing length of auto dial out string in profile most likely lead to auto dial out failing from then on o analog phones didn't alert upon invocation of CFNR from one group extension to another where both groups contained an extension of it o call pickup to a specified extension didn't work reliably in case more than one call that could be picked up was pending o call forwarding no reply (CFNR) was aborted with invocation of call transfer (both, implicit and explicit) 5.1.4 patch 3 from 2000/06/09: ------------------------------ PABX related bug fixes: o call forwarding of external calls to external destinations failed under certain circumstances o D channel layer 2 connection wasn't reestablished due to errorneous SABME frame o private D channel layer 3 information elements are no more sent on internal S0 ports to not confuse attached terminals (ISDN phones/cards) PABX related changes: o upon transferring a call to an already answered call, internal parties are now signalled information about each other's party number; unfortunately it seems that most ISDN phones don't correctly report these informations o disabled timer that cleared calls in state "Call Proceeding"; also B channels era now connected in that state; this is necessary for calls remaining in this state until they get charged o hold state changes are no more propagated to external ports as some public switches in france clear calls due to that 5.1.4 patch 2 was withdrawn. 5.1.4 patch 1 from 2000/05/09: ------------------------------ PABX related bug fixes: o lost B channels bug on internal S0 ports fixed ("no circuit or channel available" even though led on module showed that B channels were available) o some fixes concerning processing of call forwarding, e.g. CFNR (call forwarding no reply) didn't work if destination was a group extension o after implicit call transfer (consecutively releasing two calls within a short time) from an internal S0 port to a still alerting external party C, B channels were only incompletely switched when call was answered, so that original caller didn't hear party C o actively releasing an incoming alerting call to a digital phone didn't release initiating call; i.e. actual caller still got calling tone although no more potential partner existed o dialling external numbers of the form "080[2-9]..." or "090[6-9]..." digit by digit didn't work; dialling whole number en bloc, however, wasn't affected by that bug o loosing layer 2 D channel connection (e.g. by unplugging ISDN line) to an alerting ISDN phone caused XCentric to panic o door intercom could only be called (and, hence, door opened) if variable pabxDoorIntercomExternalOpen in PABX static table was set to "allow", even so by internal callers o calling external local numbers (i.e. without area code) only worked if an extension existed with the same first digit like the external number o deactivation of call forwarding (of any type) didn't work (according to display messages) for ISDN phones that singly disable it for every service (what is not yet distinguished by XCentric); deactivation nevertheless succeeded o attempts to establish three party conferences with one or more CAPI participants were not inhibited although XCentric cannot handle these o channel of closing connection was reset in isdnCallTable, confusing status daemon and hence causing activity monitor to display wrong status o B channel on external (PTMP) port used by other terminal attached in parallel to XCentric was garbled o "please hold the line" message sometimes was interrupted and no more repeated from then on, although call was still held o after abortion of call transfer of an incoming call from door intercom (by simply hanging up after holding that call) caused door intercom speaker to remain on until it was either called or another call by it (due to someone else ringing) was answered o wrong dial tone was provided for (analog) terminals of type other than "phone" PABX related changes: o point to point (PTP) trunk misconfiguration is now reported when detected o confirmation tone is now generated upon enabling/disabling call waiting by analog phones o CAUTION: call forward numbers to external destinations must now be given with proper trunk prefix, regardless of possibly active autodialout; that was necessary as many ISDN phones are not capable of supplying a number containing '#' as forward-to number Setup tool related bug fixes: o changing an S0 port form "ISDN Internal S0" to "ISDN Tie S0" could screw up existing pabxTrunkTable entry o viewing extensions assigned to a terminal caused a previously modified terminal name to be reset to default name (like normally generated) Setup tool related changes: o creation of a second terminal for an analog phone is now prevented as this doesn't make sense o new menu in system settings added that allows for setting date and time