Readme for system software 7.1.1 PATCH 11 ========================================= ========================================= The following changes have been made to our software since the release of system software 7.1.1 Patch 7. They have been included in system software 7.1.1 PATCH 11 which is available from Bintec's web server for all X-Generation Products. Changes: ========= 1) MTU - New default Setting ============================ The MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) is used determine the maximum size a single packet may have to be transferred unfragmented. The value does not include any number of bits added by encapsulating the IP packet, so the growing complexity of encapsulation requires that a smaller MTU is chosen. Therefore, the default MTU value has been reduced from 1472 to 1420 bits. Bugfixes: ========= 1) RIP – Import Routes (ID 3325 / all products / 5.1.6) ==================================================== It was not possible to import more than 100 routes via RIP. The problem has been solved. 2) Setup Tool - Advanced Interface Settings not Saved (ID 3266 / all products / 7.1.1 PATCH 2) ===================================================== When configuring the Advanced Interface IP settings in any of the contexts where they are available (e.g. WAN Partner configuration), the values were not saved to the MIB. Configuration via the SNMP shell was possible, though. The problem has been solved. 3) SNMP Shell - Command "t 0" Did not Disable Autologout (ID 2668 / all products / 6.3.1) ========================================================= Under specific circumstances an autologout occurred even though it should have been disabled by entering "t 0" in the SNMP shell. The problem has been solved. 4) SSH - Various Problems ============================== a) SSH Key Creation Blocked HTML Setup (ID 3217 / all products / 7.1.2): The creation of public key pairs for the SSH Daemon blocked an HTML setup session and ultimately caused a timeout. The problem has been solved. b) Misleading Error Messages (IDs 3255, 3285 / all products / 7.1.2p4): There were a small number of misleading error messages on different syslog levels during SSH connection establishment (e.g. "ERR/INET: error: setsockopt IP_TOS 8: Invalid argument", "INFO/INET: Failed none for admin from port 1677 ssh2" ). This did not mean that no SSH connection was actually established. The problem has been solved. c) SSH Daemon Died after Connection Failure (ID 3301, 3349 / all products / 7.1.2p5): After a failed connection attempt the SSH daemon could die without respawning. Moreover, SSH connections could fail through interfaces on which NAT was activated, causing the same effect. The problem has been solved. d) It was not possible to enter the SSH Monitoring Menu. The problem has been solved 5) IPSec - Various Problems ============================= a) IPSec Setup Tool Wizard - Wrong Values Displayed (ID 3260 / all products / 7.1.2p4): When configuring the advanced interface settings of a virtual interface peer during an IPsec wizard run, the values displayed differred from the ones actually used. Only if the displayed settings were confirmed by hitting SAVE, the values were stored in the MIB and activated. The problem has been solved. b) Setup Tool - Inconsistent Menu Path Display (ID 3267 / all products / 7.1.2p4): The Headers of the Configure Peers submenus were to some extent inconsistent. There could have been no information about which peer was being configured. The problem has been solved. c) Interface Concept - Memory Leak (ID 3336 / all products / 7.1.2): With an interface peer based IPSec configuration and with IPSec enabled, there could be a considerable memory leak, leading to sporadic reboots. The problem has been solved.