Readme for system software 6.3.4 PATCH 10 ======================================== ======================================== The following changes have been made to our software since the release of system software 6.3.4 Patch 4. They have been included in system software 6.3.4 PATCH 10 which is available from BinTec's web server for all X-Generation Routers. 1) SIF - Setting of ipSifAdminStatus Not Effective (ID 2747) =================================================== Deactivating the Stateful Inspection Firewall (SIF) by setting ipSifTable: ipSifAdminStatus to "disable" has the desired effect only at run time. Saving the active configuration as boot configuration and rebooting the router results in an activated SIF. The problem has been solved. 2) Config Daemon - Configuration Truncated After Save (ID 2838) ===================================================== When storing a configuration, the Config Daemon truncates the configuration file if there is not enough flash memory available: After a reboot, some tables are missing. This happens only under specific circumstances. The problem has been solved. 3. Negative Value for sysUpTime (ID 2347) ================================== After a long uptime of the router it can occur that a wrong (negative) value for the "sysUpTime" variable is displayed. The uptime that must be reached for this to happen differs among router models, on X4000, e.g., the errors occurs after roughly 200 days of uptime. The problem has been solved. 4) LLC Interfaces - Bridging Disfunctional (ID 2801 / all products / 6.3.4) ========================================== All data packets received on LLC interfaces are distributed to the upper layers without padding bytes and CRC. Thus Ethernet packets are not bridged. The problem has been solved. 5) HTTP Daemon - Daemon Locks with Interrupted TCP Session (ID 2875 / all products / 6.3.4) ========================================================== If an TCP session cannot be terminated gracefully, the HTTP Daemon locks up. This may happen, e.g., if the IP address of the router is changed using the HTML User Interface. The problem has been solved. 6) DNS - Memory Leak with DNS Proxy (ID 2872 / all products / 6.3.4) ==================================================== When using the DNS Proxy, a memory leak may lead to a panic. The problem has been solved.