Release Notes 2.06 27.03.2002 BinTec XAir Manager BinTec AG Changes and Improvements Bugfix: New board generation bug fix. Getting Hardware capabilties forces NULL pointer access violation if a board with PCI is scanned. Bugfix: No error messages if failed firmware upgrade Security error messages must not be shown in the status control of the upgrade dialog. Flash IO error was ignored. New: Automatic discovery Add a new option to the discovery mechanism: User can set the automatic discovery in seconds. The range is 10 secs till 60 secs. This option enables automatic search every x (10-60) seconds Add a option enable discovery update to let the user switch this feature on or off. New: Discovery timeout user configurable Add a option timeout to the discovery mechanism: User can set the timeout in seconds. The range is between 1 and 10 seconds. Versions before have a hardcoded timeout value of 5 seconds. This option is useful if the search is reduced of a local net with few XAir Access Points. Then user can reduce the timeout to 1 second. New: Discovery can be interrupted by user Add a discovery halt button to status bar if search is in progress, hence user is able to cancel the search. System shows the aborting process in status bar. This may take some time. New: Movement of list control stopped Focused list entry does not move while searching the net. New: Some keyboard keys enabled Windows context keyboard key is enabled (shows context menu). Del keyboard key is enabled (deletes a user added of not found XAir Access Point in the list). New: Multiple instances are able to run on the same host More than one Access Point Manegers can run on the same host, cause reuseaddr is enabled. New: UserInterface improved "Configuration" and "Extra" menu improved: Item "Password" is moved to "Extra". "Telnet" and "Web" items are moved to a new pop-up menu: "Advanced". "Options" and "Firmware load" dialog improved. New context menu, deleting and updating is shown if Access Point is user added or not found. Manual adding, deleting is disabled while discovery. Known Problems - The XAir Manager does not always discover a XAir Access Point, if the IP address of the XAir Access Point is "" and a router is between the XAir Access Point and the host running the Xair Manager. - The first discovery is not able to get the firmware version of the XAir Access Points because there is no password assigned to get this information. After first discovery the user must specify a password to get this information. This is obsolete with XAir Access Point firmware 2.73! - Under Win2k there might be problems running the XAir Manager on a client (Laptop) which loses the connection to a XAir Access Point for a undefined time. After reconnect to a XAir Access Point the XAir Manager might be unable to find any XAir Access Point. Resolution: Shutdown and restart the XAir Manager OR choose Menu "Extras" Submenu "Options" and click on "OK" in the "Options"-Dialog. After this the XAir Manager must be find all installed XAir Access Points on the network.