INSTALLING THE PACKET DRIVER ---------------------------- Copy BINTE42.COM and PACKET.INI to your system. Adjust the configuration parameters if needed. PACKET.INI contains information on the configuration parameters including their valid ranges and default values. Before running the Packet Driver the XAIR Access Driver must be loaded. usage: BINTE42.COM [switches] /L = Load the Driver /U = unload the Driver /H = get help information Example: /U unloads the Packet Driver After loading the Packet Driver you can load an PC/TCP Kernel e.g ethdrv.exe to get access to the Network. RUNNING THE PACKET DRIVER ------------------------- When the Packet Driver encounters an unknown keyword in configuration in PACKET.INI it will produce an error message, but load anyway. When a configuration parameter is given an invalid value in PACKET.INI an error message will be given as well, but in this case the Packet Driver will not load. In case of problems with your customized PACKET.INI, you are advised to fall back to using the PACKET.INI version as was provided on the diskette. Example config.sys: ------------------- DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\CAD\bintecad.sys /I=5 /B=FC00 /M=D000 DOS=HIGH FILES=30 Example autoexec.bat: --------------------- C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.EXE /X @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH C:\DOS SET TEMP=C:\DOS KEYB GR,,C:\DOS\KEYBOARD.SYS REM Loading the Packet Driver C:\PACKET\ /L REM Loading of the PC/TCP Kernel C:\PACKET\ethdrv.exe doskey