Update instructions for Firmware 3.00 05.04.2002 Firmware Xair BinTec Access Point, Bridges BinTec AG www.BinTec.de IMPORTANT! Update instructions for users running a firmware version BELOW 2.43 The Access Point's configuration data (except passwords and local ACL entries) will get lost, if upgrading from a firmware version BELOW 2.43. IMPORTANT! Update instructions for users running a firmware version BELOW 2.38 Versions below 2.38 have been shipped as two different image files (*.img): a firmware file and a corresponding monitor file. Nowadays the firmware is shipped as one file, the BinTec firmware package (*.afw). If you are running an Access Point with firmware older than version 2.38, you must first update this Access Point to version 2.38, before upgrading to any higher version! This firmware package file (Xair-v2_38.afw) is included in this shippment. Required steps for update 1. Close any running XAir Access Point Manager and start the XAir Access Point Manager V2.06. Click the "Discovery" button at the lower left of the XAir Access Point Manager window. Verify that all your installed XAir Access Points have been found. 2. You may check the Firmware Version of each XAir Access Point by opening a telnet/Web session and logging in (view level is sufficent). The firmware version is displayed at the upper right of the window. 3. If you have verified all XAir Access Points to run firmware version 2.38 or higher, you are ready to update them to version 3.00. 4. To update the firmware on your XAir Access Point, first select the XAir Access Point you would like to update. Click the configuration menu and choose "Load firmware". Browse the available firmware packages and select the xair-v3_00.afw. 5. The XAir Access Point Manager now checks, if the XAir Access Point could be updated using this firmware file. If this is correct, the "Download" button appears. Clicking at this button starts downloading the firmware. You may be asked to enter the Admin level password after clicking the "Download" button. In this case, enter the password and click "OK".