v2.02--------------------------------------------------------------- > new format of the firmware file: the file extension has changed from *.img to *.afw. There is only one upgrade file. Older firmware files named with *.img and with old contents are ignored. > correction: basic setup without password saves the given values temp. and gives the user a new chance to try once again with the correct password. > bugfix: adding and deleting manual added Access Point/Bridge entries may result in "Access Violation", i.e. the XAIRM crashes. Also memory leaks are possible. > bugfix: XAIRM runs on a Laptop which is a client of an Access Point. First discovery shows all Access Points. After rebooting the Access Point the following discoveries show 'not found' to all Access Points. Not until the XAIRM is restarted all Access Points are found again. > connection timeout: increase connection timeout to 30 secs (instead 10 secs). KNOWN BUGS: Under OS WINDOWS 2000 there might be problems running the XAIRM on a client (Laptop) which loses the connection to a Access Point for a undefined time. After reconnect to an Access Point the XAIRM might be unable to find any Access Point. Resolution: Shutdown and restart the XAIRM or choose Menu "Extras" Submenu "Options" and click on "OK" in the "Options"-Dialog. After this the XAIRM must be able to find all installed Access Points on the network. Under WINDOWS ME there might be problems with other installed network cards. These cards are made to dummy interfaces with stupid ip addresses by the OS. If the XAIRM cannot find any Access Points although you have set in "Extras"->"Options"->"Multicast interface" the right ip address you must disable these cards.